Dear customer,

In response to the investigation into the potential hacking of solar panels, we would like to assure you that there is no need to worry.

The inverters used by Solar Perfection (Solis, Enphase, Goodwe, or SolarEdge) are all CE certified, meeting the first important requirement. Unfortunately, many cheap inverters that do not meet these standards and are not certified are used in this market. We do not use these inverters.

Additionally, we want to emphasize that the Enphase system we use provides extra protection because the Envoy is not accessible for reprogramming unless someone physically presses the button intended for that purpose. Even if a system of another brand were to be hacked, the parameters cannot be easily changed. For this, we need a special installer app.

Security of your internet is important Anything wireless and connected to WiFi can potentially be hacked, including your own internet modem. To better secure your system, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Firstly, ensure a strong password (at least 15 characters, including 2 special characters and 2 numbers). You can do this by logging out of your monitoring program and then choosing ‘Forgot password’ to reset your password.
  2. Do the same for your WiFi modem.
  3. If you want to completely rule out an attack, it is possible to replace WiFi with a LAN connection. Connect the inverter to your modem with a cable and disable WiFi. For Solis and Goodwe, you may need to purchase a LAN stick, which costs €60 including VAT.

If you have any questions or concerns, we are always available!

I want to emphasize that hacking a solar panel installation is not something that happens easily, so you don’t need to worry about it 🙂

Have Sun!